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 Larya says moo. Moooooo.

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4 posters

Posts : 5
Join date : 2010-09-09

Larya says moo. Moooooo. Empty
PostSubject: Larya says moo. Moooooo.   Larya says moo. Moooooo. EmptyMon Oct 11, 2010 5:48 pm

Meh, I figured I could introduce myself. Even though I love to be shrouded in mystery, I'll give tiny tidbits of info, okay?

I'm female (yes, it's true) and I live in Australia. Born and raised in the Netherlands, I'm currently taking a year off of school and decided to live here.
I'm a total noob and tons of instructions and explanations ig before I get something.
I like to say random things and make funny jokes that often only I think are funny.
I love animals, I have a cat that my mom is taking care of.
I live with Sioned.
I do Inscription, Herbalism, Alchemy, Tailoring and Enchanting but I'm a total slacker so only Herbalism is maxed.
I have no life.

That's enough for now!


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Posts : 23
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 36

Larya says moo. Moooooo. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Larya says moo. Moooooo.   Larya says moo. Moooooo. EmptySat Oct 16, 2010 1:16 am

I know most of them u must tell me more and when do we get to that sandwich thing? <3 u and sioned Razz
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Posts : 72
Join date : 2010-08-29
Age : 33
Location : Paris, France

Larya says moo. Moooooo. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Larya says moo. Moooooo.   Larya says moo. Moooooo. EmptyTue Oct 19, 2010 4:48 am

Hey Hey. Hey Apple. How come u love/have a cat, and its with ur mom, while u live with Sioned. So is it ur cat or is it ur moms. So who loves it more? U or ur mom? Or Sioned?
Hey Larya whats ur GS?
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Posts : 63
Join date : 2010-08-29
Age : 36
Location : Finland

Larya says moo. Moooooo. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Larya says moo. Moooooo.   Larya says moo. Moooooo. EmptyTue Oct 19, 2010 1:00 pm

Et tu, Isa? I thought you hated GS like me, hate worthless addons.
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Posts : 5
Join date : 2010-09-09

Larya says moo. Moooooo. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Larya says moo. Moooooo.   Larya says moo. Moooooo. EmptyWed Oct 20, 2010 3:54 am

Well... it's my cat, we got it when I lived with my mum, but I couldn't bring her (the cat) with me when i got my own place cuz it was real tiny and on the 3d floor and she likes to go outside and have a backyard n all. And the nI went to Sioned and it was a 25 hour plane flight and my cat hates traveling and stuff.... so decided to let my mum take care of her =D Yeah.

I don't know my GS, ask Hurn about it. I don't like GSes and refuse to get the addon :p I onyl have 2 addons: Recount and a fancy thing that shows me where the rare monsters are on the map. I luvs hunting those.
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Larya says moo. Moooooo. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Larya says moo. Moooooo.   Larya says moo. Moooooo. Empty

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Larya says moo. Moooooo.
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